The Ontario Rett Syndrome Association (ORSA) is proud to announce the creation of The Hope Fund. This fund exists solely for research. 100% of all these dollars will go to Canadian Rett syndrome research to find a cure and/or treatment for Rett syndrome. The Hope Fund will be releasing a $50,000 research grant in 2015.
The Ontario Rett Syndrome Association (ORSA) invites grant applications from professionals committed to conducting novel, emerging, or innovative research in areas relevant to the cure, cause, prevention, improved treatment and/or understanding of Rett Syndrome and its implications on society.
This program is provided to support current investigators and encourage new investigators to pursue research in Rett Syndrome.
ORSA intends to provide awards to outstanding applicants who meet the eligibility criteria of the Program and who have been approved by its Research Grant Advisory Committee (the “Advisory Committee”). Further support is possible to existing funded projects by offering the option to renew funding upon the successful applicant’s re-application to the program.
Duration: One year
Funds available: One grant of $50,000 Or may be divided for two grants ($25,000 and $25,000)
Click below to download our Request for Applications for the Research Grant Program
Request for Applications 2014
Letter of Intent 2015/16
Should you have any inquiries, please contact:
Rick Goodhew
ORSA Advisory Committee
Ontario Rett Syndrome Association
Email: goodhew@rogers.com
Posted: 10/03/2014 by Sherry Lawrence
2015/16 Research Grant
The Ontario Rett Syndrome Association (ORSA) is proud to announce the creation of The Hope Fund. This fund exists solely for research. 100% of all these dollars will go to Canadian Rett syndrome research to find a cure and/or treatment for Rett syndrome. The Hope Fund will be releasing a $50,000 research grant in 2015.
The Ontario Rett Syndrome Association (ORSA) invites grant applications from professionals committed to conducting novel, emerging, or innovative research in areas relevant to the cure, cause, prevention, improved treatment and/or understanding of Rett Syndrome and its implications on society.
This program is provided to support current investigators and encourage new investigators to pursue research in Rett Syndrome.
ORSA intends to provide awards to outstanding applicants who meet the eligibility criteria of the Program and who have been approved by its Research Grant Advisory Committee (the “Advisory Committee”). Further support is possible to existing funded projects by offering the option to renew funding upon the successful applicant’s re-application to the program.
Duration: One year
Funds available: One grant of $50,000 Or may be divided for two grants ($25,000 and $25,000)
Click below to download our Request for Applications for the Research Grant Program
Request for Applications 2014
Letter of Intent 2015/16
Should you have any inquiries, please contact:
Rick Goodhew
ORSA Advisory Committee
Ontario Rett Syndrome Association
Email: goodhew@rogers.com
Category: News