P.O. Box 50030 London, ON N6A 6H8 info@rett.ca (519) 474-6877

Ring For Rett – Dec. 14th

We would like to thank Linda Burwell for organizing the Ring for Rett Handbell Concert that is being held on December 14th at 6:00 pm at the Carriage House Theatre (http://www.thecarriagehousetheatre.com/index.html) in Cardston, Alberta.  All the proceeds from the concert will go to the Ontario Rett Syndrome Association (ORSA).  If you would like more information about the concert, please contact ORSA (bhall@rett.ca) and we will forward your questions.

Carriage House Theatre

353 Main Street Cardston, Alberta Canada T0K0K0 – Phone: (403) 653-1000

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