During the Annual General Meeting today a fond farewell and thank you went to these two deserving individuals. Bethany Philpott and Shari Hamelin.
Although Shari Hamelin has retired from her many positions on the board she has not gone far. Shari will still volunteer hours on various committees and attend future events. Bethany is focusing on her future endeavours and one day, we hope, she will be a champion for our loved ones with Rett syndrome in the medical field. Bethany will also provide expertise to committees in her spare time. Thank you for all of your endless hours supporting the Ontario Rett Syndrome Association.
Dr. Monica Justice the guest speaker for the afternoon presented a very informative discussion on “A Research Update From Across the Globe”. Many attendees enjoyed the open floor approach and were quickly engaged in a question and answer presentation.
Over 30 persons were in attendance and some travelled from Montreal and Ottawa. Terry Boyd opened the meeting with many positive accomplishments O.R.S.A. has been able to achieve so far this year. However, always wanting to improve each year and provide more for the families Terry urged that membership matters. We need to entice others to join our cause. Terry says O.R.S.A. membership numbers make a difference when we are trying to compete for grants. A brief committee update was given by individuals to share the ongoing work that is being done by board members. The agenda was quickly covered, election of Directors, appointment of auditor, approval of By Laws and Treasurer’s report.
A light luncheon was served and an opportunity to mingle was enjoyed by all.
Thank you to everyone that attended todays meeting and to Dr. Justice for sharing her knowledge of the research being accomplished around the globe.
AGM ~ “Thank You”
During the Annual General Meeting today a fond farewell and thank you went to these two deserving individuals. Bethany Philpott and Shari Hamelin.
Although Shari Hamelin has retired from her many positions on the board she has not gone far. Shari will still volunteer hours on various committees and attend future events. Bethany is focusing on her future endeavours and one day, we hope, she will be a champion for our loved ones with Rett syndrome in the medical field. Bethany will also provide expertise to committees in her spare time. Thank you for all of your endless hours supporting the Ontario Rett Syndrome Association.
Dr. Monica Justice the guest speaker for the afternoon presented a very informative discussion on “A Research Update From Across the Globe”. Many attendees enjoyed the open floor approach and were quickly engaged in a question and answer presentation.
Over 30 persons were in attendance and some travelled from Montreal and Ottawa. Terry Boyd opened the meeting with many positive accomplishments O.R.S.A. has been able to achieve so far this year. However, always wanting to improve each year and provide more for the families Terry urged that membership matters. We need to entice others to join our cause. Terry says O.R.S.A. membership numbers make a difference when we are trying to compete for grants. A brief committee update was given by individuals to share the ongoing work that is being done by board members. The agenda was quickly covered, election of Directors, appointment of auditor, approval of By Laws and Treasurer’s report.
A light luncheon was served and an opportunity to mingle was enjoyed by all.
Thank you to everyone that attended todays meeting and to Dr. Justice for sharing her knowledge of the research being accomplished around the globe.