P.O. Box 50030 London, ON N6A 6H8 info@rett.ca (519) 474-6877

Donate Securities

Ontario Rett Syndrome Association is linked with CanadaHelps to accepted donations. As a donor you have two options to donate your securities, with our Donation Form below, or to our CanadaHelps Profile page.

NOTE: The transaction fee is the same regardless of which of these two ways the donor uses to make their donation.

Donation Process for Donors

  1. Donors are asked to fill out the online form with some basic information about the shares/funds and some personal details for tax receipting purposes (i.e. full name, address). 
  2. Using this information, CanadaHelps automatically produces a “Letter of Direction” which the donor then downloads. 
  3. The donor signs the letter of direction and provides it to their broker/financial institution.
  4. The broker/financial institution acts on that direction and transfers the requested number of shares from the donor’s investment account to CanadaHelps’ account.
  5. CanadaHelps sells the securities on the day we receive them from the donor’s institution, arrange the pledge documentation and materials for the donor, issue the tax receipt to the donor, and transfer the proceeds to your charity 

The donor receives a charitable tax receipt for the full market value of their securities, based on the close price on the day when the securities were transferred into CanadaHelps’ account.

NOTE: Due to fees and market fluctuations, the amount we transfer to your charity will likely differ slightly from the full market value that was assessed when the securities were first transferred.