Provide all new parents/guardians membership with a complimentary parent package that includes the Silent Angel DVD and Rett Syndrome Handbook
Host conferences and medical symposiums
Operate a Resource Centre
Provide an information-based web site and newsletter
Fund and support the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario, Thames Valley Children’s Centre and Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital Rett Syndrome Clinics
Host regional activities to provide caring support and networking opportunities
Assist with connecting families to the Rett Syndrome Clinics, the Canadian Rett Syndrome Registry, regional representatives, other families and supports
Our Services: How We Help
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Provide all new parents/guardians membership with a complimentary parent package that includes the Silent Angel DVD and Rett Syndrome Handbook
Host conferences and medical symposiums
Operate a Resource Centre
Provide an information-based web site and newsletter
Fund and support the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario, Thames Valley Children’s Centre and Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital Rett Syndrome Clinics
Host regional activities to provide caring support and networking opportunities
Assist with connecting families to the Rett Syndrome Clinics, the Canadian Rett Syndrome Registry, regional representatives, other families and supports
Provide funding for research